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Wolf's Heart: Bayou Wolves #3 Page 12

  He curses, his fingers tightening on the doorframe. Not a good sign. “Can I come in?”

  He’s asking, not telling, but I hesitate and of course he notices. He makes me nervous, and I don’t trust him, not entirely. He’s big and now he’s in charge, and… why wouldn’t that be a problem for me? I step back, turn around, and head for my kitchen where Houdini is exploring the countertop, his little paw poking at the contents of my fruit bowl.

  Jace eyes the kitten. “You kept one?”

  Not the question I expected.

  “Two,” I admit, scooping up the kitten. Houdini needs company, after all.

  “Soft touch.” I can’t tell if Jace’s words are a tease, a complaint, or just a statement of fact.

  “Got something to tell you,” he adds with a sigh. He drags a kitchen chair out and swings himself onto the seat. Folding his arms on the back of the chair, he faces me. “You didn’t come out to the clubhouse this morning.”

  As he tips the chair forward, I frown, trying to decide if I should make a break for it. But I’m done running. I came to that conclusion last night, when I’d been mentally debating his “invitation” to the clubhouse for a pack meeting. I took a pass, and instead I get the Alpha himself on my front porch. He’s going to insist I talk to him.

  “I didn’t,” I agree and wait to hear what he says next.

  “And that means I’ve got a problem,” he announces.

  Welcome to the pack, right? I cradle the kitten closer to my chest.

  He levels a hard look at me. “You want to hear what it is?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I mutter the question, but he clearly catches it.

  “Why can’t you trust me?” he growls. “I’ve looked out for you. I’ve had your back. Hell, I got Big Red off you.”

  “You’re the Alpha now!” I shout, my gaze flying up to meet his. Screw being submissive. Right now? Angry suits me just fine. “Big Red was a terrible dad, and his attitude was downright medieval. I get that he was no prize, but how can I trust that you’ll be any different? Why would I want to stick it out with the pack after the crap that’s happened to me there? Big Red mated me when I was sixteen! Do you have any idea what that was like?”

  “Not a fucking clue,” he roars back at me. His fingers tighten so hard on the back of the chair that I think the wood might snap. The kitten explodes from my arms in a flurry of squeaks and retreats down the hall. Lucky beast. “I did my best. I get that it wasn’t good enough. That I wasn’t good enough. But I’m learning, Keelie Sue. It’s not like there’s a manual for how to be an Alpha. I’m gonna fuck it up again, I shit you not.”

  “You didn’t ask me whether I wanted to be your mate!” I holler the words at him, loud enough to be heard out on the street. “You have a tongue in your head. You could have asked. You knew Big Red didn’t ask me, and you didn’t bother to either. That was your choice.”

  Jace shoves off the chair and stalks toward me. Before I can take more than one sidelong step toward the door, however, he stops and slams his palm against my cabinet door.

  “I fucked up.”

  Wait. Rewind. What?

  He picks me up in his arms and swings me up onto the counter. Bracing his arms on either side of me, he leans his forehead against mine. It feels only too natural for me to wrap my legs around his lean hips and hug him tight. Heat sparks in me, a sweet, sexy blaze. My body has no problem acknowledging his dominance.

  “You want to say that again?” I ask cautiously.

  “Not at all.” The grin he gives me is both rueful and endearingly cute.

  Oookay. I blink at him. Stupid, silly thing to do, but he’s surprised me, and suddenly I don’t want to fly out the door.

  “You’re right,” he continues. “I should have asked. But I’d never met someone like you before, someone who mattered. I didn’t know what to say to you, or how to tell you that you made me want to be the best fucking Alpha ever, and that I needed you to do this with me. I saw a chance, and I took it. Would probably do it again too, so you’re right to kick my ass to the curb because you don’t trust me.”

  I don’t know what to say to that. I truly don’t. The sound of my heart pounding in my ears deafens me as I suck in air. Then right when I think he’s going to kiss me—and that I won’t mind one bit—he shoves away and my legs close on nothing.

  “I came over here to give you this,” he says. He picks up my hand and turns it over, smoothing out the fist I made until my fingers are straight and flat. He pulls an envelope out of his jacket and places it on my palm. Closes my fingers over it.

  “Car keys,” he announces. “Five thousand bucks. And a lease on a place in downtown Baton Rouge. One of those new condo places they just finished. It has good security, and you’ve got the top floor, so you just gotta remember to lock your door at night. You can move in today.”

  I gape at him. Sex, spanking games, yelling—those I expected. This is something else entirely. “Jace…”

  “You wanted to be independent of the pack. You’ve got it.”

  I’m out of the pack? Home free and independent?

  “What about—”

  “Us?” He steps back. “Nothing you need to worry about. You didn’t accept my mate claim. I’m a big boy, Keelie Sue, and contrary to what you think, I understand the word no. You’re free.”

  And then he turns around and leaves.


  I spend the next week taking out the trash. Would be easier if I could shove the offending wolves inside a Hefty bag, but I have to deal with them in public. Not my first choice, not with the whole wolf pack watching to see how I handle shit, but I’m Alpha now.

  Should be thinking about my next steps, but Keelie Sue keeps popping into my head and hanging out there like she has the right to remain. She doesn’t have rights to me, I remind myself. Not after she rejected my mating claim and chose to walk.

  Keelie Sue isn’t mine.

  The sooner I get that through my head, the better.

  “You ready to ride?” Ware falls in beside me. The older wolf has spent the better part of the week sticking to me tighter than a cop on a felon.

  “I should be asking you that.” He’s decided to hold a private audition for the role of Alpha, and I’m about ready to kick his ass.

  Ware rolls his shoulders, working the muscles. I can take him in a fight, but he’ll make me work for it and I don’t want to kill him. As soon as I’m sure of his loyalty, I’m making him my second.

  He thinks a moment. Too fucking long. My body instinctively relaxes into a fighting stance, ready to take him down if he launches himself at me.

  “I’m ready,” he decides finally.

  “Make up your fucking mind,” I growl.

  “I’m in.” He spits the words out. Doesn’t look happy, but I don’t care. Much. “Who are we doing today?”

  I hit the door, gunning for my bike. Ware follows close on my ass. “Big Dog,” I grunt. I don’t know the story behind the wolf’s name, but right now I don’t give two fucks. What I have heard, I don’t like. Big Dog is a mean son-of-a-bitch, and he tends to believe rules don’t apply to him.

  I straddle my bike and turn to look at Ware in the ensuing pause. He knows where to find my target—the question is whether or not he gives up the other wolf. Big Dog took a mate six months ago—wolf-style. Gal didn’t get a ring, a wedding, or even a Target registry. From what I’ve been able to learn, his woman isn’t happy with the deal, starting with the lack of asking on Big Dog’s part and ending with the wolf himself. I’m about to introduce her to divorce court, wolf-style.

  “Tell me what you know about him.” I stare Ware in the eye. The wolf needs to learn who’s in charge here—and it’s not him.

  Fucker doesn’t drop his gaze, but he does answer. “Big Dog was a lone wolf until about two years ago. Then Big Red patched him into the Breed. He likes fast bikes, shooting, and he’s got a hunting cabin out in the bayou. We should start there. He keeps his girls there.

  “He’s got more than one?” I fire up my bike and head toward the street.

  Ware follows, his front tire practically kissing my ass. “He did.”

  Ware doesn’t provide any details, but I can fill in those blanks. The wolf on today’s meet-and-greet list plays the field, taking what and who he wants. That’s over. The wolves of the Breed will never be nice—not what I fucking want anyhow—but we’ll play by some rules. Any wolf who sticks his dick where he’s not invited is out of the pack.


  Ware shouts a few directions my way, and then we ride in silence. The road peels away beneath my tires, a slick, dark ribbon of asphalt. Once we get out of the city, it’s just us, the road, and the bayou. Ware takes point, since he’s been out to Big Dog’s place. Riding shotgun isn’t my first choice, but it gets us there quicker, so good enough.

  Big Dog’s place is no palace. The rundown cabin sits on the edge of the bayou, close enough I’d bet flooding is a constant risk. The porch lists worse than a drunk at closing time, and Big Dog clearly spends zero time on home maintenance. I’d bet his place gets wet when it rains, and he’s used the front yard as his personal dumpster. Real scenic. Bike parts, beer cans, and random bags of trash pepper the yard between the house and the road. I’ll actually be doing the parish a favor if I toss a match on my way out.

  I’m off my bike and halfway to the door before Ware kills his engine. Don’t bother knocking, either. I’m not here to play nice.

  The idiot inside is sloppy. Even if he hadn’t been a raping son-of-a-bitch, I’d want him out of my pack. If he can’t keep his place and his woman safe, I won’t trust him with my wolves. He shoves to his feet when I bust through his front door, but he stops when he gets a good look at my face.

  “We’ve got a problem,” I tell him, and Big Dog nods, clearly mistaking the calm in my voice for approval or some such shit.

  “Tell me what you need from me,” he says eagerly. Fuck, but he’s a people pleaser.

  Guess he thinks he smells a promotion headed his way. Too bad for that cocksucker. I surge forward, planting my fist in the bastard’s nose. Bull’s eye. He falls back with a roar of pain.

  “What the—” Two words too many as far as I’m concerned. As soon as I stepped inside, I smelled the female’s pain and terror. I might not be able to see her, but her distress is one hundred percent clear. I drive my fist into Big Dog’s stomach as hard as I can. A real nice crack follows the meaty sound of my knuckles planting themselves in his skin. Big Dog howls and drops to the floor.

  “I’m gonna tell you about my problem.” In case he gets any ideas about bowing out on our conversation, I plant my boot in the middle of his chest and lean down. Ware moves behind me, and I keep half an eye on him. That wolf is the real wild card in the room.

  Big Dog snarls something uncomplimentary, and jackknifes, trying to throw off my hold. I shove down, something new cracks in the vicinity of the wolf’s ribcage, and he finally shuts up, although that may be because breathing now presents a challenge. Good. We have shit to get straight.

  “I’m in charge of this pack,” I tell him. I wait until he whines out something close enough to agreement, press down a little harder, and get to the point of today’s little visit. “And I told you boys that we’ve got a new rule. We don’t rape our females. We don’t put our dicks where we’re not wanted—and if you’re not man enough to get it right in bed, you don’t get to force your way in there. Are we clear?”

  Big Dog reaches for my boot, and I’ve had enough. Doesn’t take much to snap both his arms so the fucker has to let go. When he’s whimpering and bitching, I give him my nice smile.

  “Why don’t you tell us where you put your mate? Think of this as a welfare check. We’re practically fucking social services. If she’s happy, you’re happy, and we go on our way.”

  “Fuck—” Big Dog starts, and that isn’t the way this conversation is going. I kick him in the jaw, and while he’s cursing and howling, I nod to Ware.

  “Get her.” Maybe this mating is a happy pairing and Big Dog is just having a bad day, but I don’t think so. Ware must agree with me, because he follows his nose and makes straight for the closed door on the other side of the room.

  Big Dog whines and curses, twisting as I do some more redecorating with my fists. There’s a muffled curse from the bedroom, followed by a feminine whimper. Guess my instincts were dead-on right.

  “You need help?” I land another blow on Big Dog’s midsection, just to give myself something to do.

  Ware comes to the door. He’s shucked his jacket and his T-shirt, and I’m not gonna ask why. I have to start trusting my boys, and the look he levels on Big Dog says that right now Ware is all mine.

  “I’m gonna kill him,” Ware states his new plan matter-of-factly, starting forward.

  Honestly? I agree with him. The human justice system can’t hold a wolf, and the pack has its laws. Big Dog gets to die today, but I’m gonna be the judge and executioner. As Alpha, it’s my job. Not Ware’s. We’ll sort that minor disagreement out in a moment.

  “It bad?” I grab one of Big Dog’s arms and Ware grabs the other. Working as a team, we drag the sorry son-of-a-bitch outside and toward the water. Looks like we’ve finally found common ground. Execute a few more wolves and maybe we’ll even become besties.

  “Bad enough,” Ware grunts.

  “She need a doctor?” We don’t have one, but I’ll figure it out.

  “Not sure,” he admits. “I’ll get her back to Baton Rouge and see what she needs.”

  I drop my half of our werewolf load by the water’s edge. “Not your place. Whatever she needs, I’ll make sure she gets. We clear on that?”

  Ware’s boot lands on Big Dog’s ribs. Good thing I intended to kill the bastard, because Ware proceeds to methodically crack the wolf’s ribs like he’s ripping open a crab leg. I half-expect him to shift and use his teeth to pick out the meat.

  “Enough,” I announce finally, because while Big Dog deserves the beat down, we have something—someone—else to take care of and dragging Big Dog’s death out isn’t helping her. If she catches sight of us working over her “mate,” we’ll probably scare her half to death. And if she runs from us, I’ll have to chase her down. I’m not the most sensitive of guys, but even I know that’s a bad idea.

  Ware draws back with a curse, but he does it. Big Dog looks like shit. We’ve cracked his ribs. One eye is swelling shut, and blood trickles from his mouth. He’ll heal quickly, though, so it’s time to finish this.

  “You broke pack law,” I tell him, nudging his chin up with the tip my boot so his good eye meets mine. “Now I’m gonna have to kill you.”

  I don’t bother shifting all the way—just let my wolf into my head, feeling my jaw reform and my canines grow. Then I tear out Big Dog’s throat and we roll the stupid, raping bastard into the bayou. As the body sinks into the dark water, Ware nods like he’s come to some kind of conclusion.

  “I want to claim her,” he announces. Didn’t expect that.

  “Big Dog’s female?” It’s not like the bayou is sprouting females, but I need to be clear.

  “Yeah,” he growls, already heading back to the cabin.

  Fuck. I fall in behind him. Big Dog’s female stands in the middle of the living room when we push our way back inside. I’m pretty sure she was fixing to run, which is a problem. She’s barefoot. Hell, she appears to be naked except for Ware’s T-shirt and jacket. Guess he found her in a bad situation and did his best to fix it. Bruises mottle her legs and arms, making me want to drag Big Dog out of the bayou and kill him all over again.

  She squeaks when she spots us, but she also raises the two-by-four slat she must have pried out of the bed frame. Kind of like she’s playing baseball and we’re the ball.

  “I’m leaving,” she whispers hoarsely, her eyes darting to the open space behind us. She can look for Big Dog all she needs, but her bastard mate isn’t coming back and the news se
ems more likely to inspire an hallelujah chorus than any regrets on her part.

  “We’ll give you a ride,” I tell her. “You can ride with Ware or with me. You pick.”

  She hesitates, but it’s not like I can order a fucking taxi to come and get her, not without raising questions the pack can’t afford. Big Dog had a bike and a truck, but I’m not sure she should be driving. The makeshift bat in her hands shakes like hurricane-force winds are rocking the cabin. Let her take the wheel, and she’ll end up in a ditch or the bayou.

  “You got a name, honey?” Ware doesn’t move from his position slouched against the wall, his hands loose on his thighs. I can smell the anger and tension radiating from him, but she isn’t a wolf and maybe she’ll buy it.

  “Marly.” Her voice is stronger this time.

  “You got stuff you want to take with you, Marly?” I reach in my pocket and fish out a lighter. This place leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Her eyes follow my hand, lasering in on the lighter. She sucks in a breath and freezes. Shit. I give her a body another quick once over, but spot no burn marks. Doesn’t mean they’re not there, though. “If so, you might want to grab it,” I suggest.

  She gives a small nod and disappears into the bedroom fast enough to suggest anyplace without wolves is the better choice. Yeah. We’ll have to do something for her.

  “There another way out?” I ask Ware. If Marly tears through the bayou barefoot and mostly naked, she’ll do some serious damage to herself.

  He shakes his head. “The windows in the bedroom are boarded up.”

  And… fuck.

  “Not gonna fix that girl overnight,” I tell him slowly. “If you’re serious about claiming her, you’re gonna have to wait. Some stuff takes time.”

  I’m no psychologist, but even I know Marly’s gonna have the kind of damage you don’t see.

  Ware growls low in his throat. “You figure this out with Keelie Sue? Did you give her the time she needed?”

  I spot the tension in his body, and the need. For some reason, Marly gets him going and he’s chosen her. It doesn’t have to make sense to me, but I do need to hear a yes from her before I hand her over to my boy. If she doesn’t choose him, he doesn’t get her. It’s that fucking simple.