Wolf's Heart: Bayou Wolves #3 Read online

Page 6

  He licks me from my bottom to my top, dragging his tongue through my cream with a hoarse sound of pleasure. I might be the one who’s tied up, but suddenly I have all the power. I spread my legs wider, rocking into his tongue.

  There isn’t an inch of space between his mouth and my pussy. For just a moment I worry. About what I look like, smell like, taste like… and then he does exactly as he promised. He eats me up, and each lick, each taste drives me higher and higher, until I’m lost in the heated sensations.

  He tongues me, and I hear myself cry out as I grip his head with my thighs, trying to drag him closer still. I’m so slick I can hear my wet as he traces a particularly wicked path around my clit and then he nips, and that last sting sends me over the edge.

  It’s embarrassing and fantastic and the most intense orgasm of my life. I come rubbing my pussy against his face, shrieking his name, and right then he owns me and we both know it.


  I intended to teach Keelie Sue a lesson. Instead, she schools me. She comes yelling my name, and I’m hers. She bargained for an orgasm, and got a mate.

  Don’t have an excuse for what I do next, either. As she pants and mewls her way through her orgasm, I rip open my jeans, whip out my dick, and pull back. With one hand, I cup her and pet her down from her high, her slick, wet pussy milking my hand. I slap my other hand around my dick. Two hard strokes and I finish too, my come covering her boobs, that pretty red bra, and her belly. My wolf growls a protest—he wants to fill her up, mark her from the inside out, and leave her with a baby in her belly.

  Jesus. I didn’t intend to go this far.

  I’m not even inside her, and it’s the best fucking orgasm of my life. My come marks her skin and I kind of want to beat my chest and roar. Fuck me, but she gets to me. She was supposed to call my bluff. Say stop. Instead she fucking asked for more—and instead of giving it to her slow and sweet, convincing her to take a chance on me, I went at her rough and hard.

  I have no right to do that.

  Even if I enjoy the hell out of it. The ropes are partly to make a point about what happens to naughty girls who try to break the rules, and partly because it’s fun. I run a finger down the sweet curve of her throat, tracing the soft skin of her chest. Her breath catches, then goes ragged. The sweet scent of her arousal teases me. She came screaming my name—and that’s a good thing—but now that I’ve accomplished what I set out to do, I’m not liking myself much.

  I didn’t spank her hard. I was making a point, not trying to hurt her. If she plays games with me, I’ll win, and she needs to understand that. I’m Alpha to her Beta, and another wolf would hurt her bad to establish his dominance. Pleasure works even better, and we’ve both enjoyed the lesson.

  Her nipple hardens as I watch. I stretched her out good, an arm and a leg bound to each bedpost. Not tight enough to hurt, but enough that we’ll find out if she has a thing for kink. Kinda want to take a picture too, because I want to remember tonight, and that only makes me the frontrunner for bastard of the year. Doesn’t take too much effort to imagine her reaction to photographic evidence of tonight’s fan-fucking-tastic sex.

  “Now would be a good time to get started on that apology,” I tell her. At the very least, I should untie her. Even though keeping her safe is my top priority—always—keeping her here will get complicated, fast, because it will be seen as my making a bid to take over the Breed, and I’m not ready to seal that deal yet.

  She sucks in a breath, shifting on the bed like she needs to get closer to me. I lean in. Maybe I’ll kiss her. Find out for myself what she thinks about the two of us. Christ, she smells good, like vanilla and woman.

  The hard rap on the door sends her scrambling backward.

  Not like I really need a wake-up call, but seems I get one anyway. The scent at the door belongs to Cruz, and if my brother’s knocking when I’m holed up with a female, things aren’t looking up.

  “Fuck off,” I yell, knowing words aren’t going to cut it. Isn’t like there’s a no-females rule, but the pack sticks to the shadows, lurking in plain sight of the human world. We don’t invite their attention, and my bringing Keelie Sue here is a big fucking red flag. Plus our maman won’t like it either. Not if it looks like I have to tie Keelie Sue up to keep her. Our maman won’t tolerate a forced mating—or even the semblance of one.

  I’m stupid as fuck.

  “You got to the count of three,” Cruz announces. He sounds pleasant, like he’s just stopped by to chat me up about the weather or to offer me a beer. Knowing Cruz, that means he’s about to lose his shit big time.

  I jackknife off the bed with a curse, buttoning up my jeans. When I crack the door, Cruz shoves it open further. He takes in my room and the bondage scene, his face not giving away anything. I’m shirtless, but I’ve kept my jeans on and my boots. Still, I’m closer to naked than I need to be, and the scents Keelie Sue gives off aren’t helping, either. She smells of arousal and curiosity. A man would have to be dead to not take her up on that luscious invitation.

  “Introduce me,” Cruz growls. He knows exactly who I have with me, so his words are intended to make a point.

  I move farther into the doorway, blocking his view of my female.

  “You angling for an invitation to join us?”

  Keelie Sue makes another one of those cute, tiny noises and tries to crawl into herself. She’s not into that particular kind of wolf party—that much is clear.

  “Fuck you,” Cruz tells me, and I’ll pass on that. Since he’s waiting for an explanation, however, I pony up a few words. Maybe then he’ll go away and leave Keelie Sue and I alone to sort out whatever it is that’s happening between us.

  “I’m rescuing her,” I tell Cruz when he raises a brow.

  From herself, I add mentally. After all, she can’t go running around Baton Rouge with half of Big Red’s pack looking for her.

  “That doesn’t look like any rescue I’ve seen.” But Cruz studies my face, avoiding the scene inside the bedroom. Since Keelie Sue doesn’t want him looking, he’s playing the gentleman.

  “The boys down at the motorcycle club gave her to me.” Big Red’s callousness pisses me off all over again. Keelie Sue is special, and her father should know that. Should be protecting her from wolves like me. Bottom line? I won’t hurt her.


  Okay, won’t hurt her much. I bet her pussy is tight as shit, and she’ll be sore the day after I have her. I promise to kiss it better though, and some things hurt good.

  Cruz doesn’t budge from the door. “You’d better be getting a clear yes from her before you go anywhere near that bed.”

  The urge to hit my brother is almost overwhelming. Cruz knows me better than that. He knows I won’t go where I’m not invited. We’re playing a game, Keelie Sue and I, a complicated, fucked-up, sexy-as-hell game. Keelie Sue is a Beta wolf, unlike Cruz’s woman. Gianna would kick his balls into the middle of his throat if he pulled this kind of shit on her without permission, but Keelie Sue is different. She’ll push back if she has to, but her wolf also trusts me to look out for her because I’m going to be her Alpha.

  It’s that fucking simple.

  Of course, if I were a decent Alpha, I’d pat her on the head, take her back to her place, and let her go. I’m not like Cruz, however, and I can’t do that. The urge to hang on to Keelie Sue, to mark her, to keep her is overwhelming.

  So I settle for telling Cruz part of the truth. “If I claim her as my mate, I become the Breed Alpha.” When he gives me a pissed-off look, I continue. “You should see the other candidates. I’m her best option.”

  At least I won’t hurt her—or that’s what I’m telling myself. She can come after me all she needs, and I’ll never hurt her back.

  “So you all told her she had to pick wolf A, B or C? You boys never heard of D: None of the above?”

  Cruz knows how a pack works. “They’d eat her alive.”

  “We’re gonna talk about this more,” he warns me. “You d
on’ get to add kidnappin’ to your shit list for this week. Our pack doesn’t need that kind of trouble. Not now.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “She’s not gettin’ hurt anymore.”

  Keelie Sue hasn’t had a good day, but I planned on taking good care of her tonight, right up until the moment when she challenged me. Then okay, my plans got sidetracked and I tied her up, but I’m still optimistic. I inhale, not sure how to convey all this to Cruz or if it’s any of his business at all—because I’m closer and closer to leaving our pack and taking one of my own and we both know it—when I scent a new wolf. We have an outsider running on our land.

  “Pack business,” I growl, dropping a kiss on her mouth. I have to go. Cruz needs me at his back. I hate leaving Keelie Sue, but duty calls. I cover her up with a blanket, ignoring the way her mouth shapes the word fucker. She isn’t wrong.


  At some point, I fall asleep. I dared Jace to spank me, knowing no Alpha wolf would resist a challenge. He did it, I loved it, and then I came howling his name. Those things are equal parts embarrassing and good. I’ve never had an orgasm that intense, and he hasn’t even come inside me.

  The part where he leaves me, however, sucks. Worse, he leaves me tied up. Pack business bangs on the door, and he doesn’t so much as acknowledge me. Two words and one hard kiss on the mouth doesn’t count, not in my book.

  So fuck him.

  I’ll get myself untied, I’ll get up, and I’ll go… away. Unfortunately my Girl Scout skills are rusty, and getting my hands free proves impossible. I’m also boneless from Jace’s kisses, and sleep proves as irresistible as that damned wolf. Somewhere between midnight and dark o’clock, I fall asleep. I wake up with the damned wolf between my legs again.

  Jace has untied me and flipped me over. It takes me far too long in the darkened room to figure out what’s happening, or maybe that’s because he has his mouth on my pussy, his tongue licking and sucking.

  Oh. God.

  “Jace?” I ask just to drive him a little mad. It’s only fair.

  “You expecting another wolf?” He punctuates his words with the wickedest thrust of his tongue into my channel. “I promised to kiss everything better after I spanked you. I always keep my promises.”

  He doesn’t seem to want an answer, so I spread my legs a little wider, and he rewards me with another long, slow lick. When I moan, he does it again. And then again. He smells like the outdoors, like something wild and free, and yet I hold him there between my legs and he makes me feel like the most special thing in the world. He just keeps loving me with his mouth until I melt for him, and then he carefully moves up my body and pushes deep inside me. Over and over again he thrusts, filling me and holding me tight. I dig my nails into his broad, bare shoulders, tucking my heels against the small of his back as I rise up to meet each powerful thrust. The orgasm is almost a surprise when it hits, the pleasure rolling through my body.

  “All better?” I feel the words against my skin and in every inch of my body.

  “The best.” I rock against him and he comes with me, emptying himself deep inside me, and I hold him tighter. Afterward, he doesn’t say anything, just wraps himself around me so that there’s no way I could get off the bed and away from him. I’m here until he gives me permission to leave, but I also feel… safe. He promised he wouldn’t be the wolf to hurt me, and he hasn’t forced himself on me. He’s no Bolt, that’s for sure, which has to be the only reason why I fall asleep in his arms.


  “Someone offers you a girl and you take her?” The deep voice drifts into the room. A wolf’s voice, low and raspy. The words themselves sound rough around the edges, the way the males do when they’ve spent more time shifted than not. He doesn’t smell like pack, although his scent holds a note of familiarity.

  I roll over, bury my face in the mattress, and freeze. I’m not tied up anymore. Adrenaline pricks me, followed by the need to run. To get the hell out of this bed, this place, this life. The wolf outside is a wake-up call I shouldn’t ignore.

  “I said thank you,” Jace drawls. Boots hit the stairs with a hard thump, the sound receding as they move away. More distant, less distinct sounds follow as the two men wrestle. Or possibly try to kill each other. Fists thud on bodies, the sounds of combat punctuated by the occasional harsh curse—or laugh. Neither man’s scent seems hostile, but I can’t be entirely sure they aren’t beating the crap out of each other. Maybe this is my opportunity to slip away.

  I tried to remember the route to Jace’s place last night, but it was late, I was scared, and he drove fast. I could probably do it, I decide. The problem is that I need wheels—which means either getting my hands on his keys, or waiting for him to take me back. I’m tired of waiting, so I slide off the bed quietly, and stand up.

  Early morning light floods the room. Other than the stunning lack of furniture, Jace’s place is gorgeous. The bed is set in front of a fireplace covered with white plaster roses and vines. The room also has honey-colored wood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows. I can see the green of the bayou through the gauze curtains.

  A door leads out to what looks like a hallway and a staircase spirals down to the first floor. I dress rapidly—being naked is always a disadvantage when you’re around wolves—and then ease my way toward the hallway and down the staircase. Ignoring the passageway that leads back into the house, I turn toward the front door. The open front door. Jace and the other wolf break apart before I cover half the distance. I press against the wall and inch closer.

  I spot Jace’s leather jacket dropped on the top step next to a coffee cup holder and a paper bag. Jace himself straddles a bronzed, dark-eyed wolf that grins up at him. The new wolf is scruffy, a bruise decorating the rough line of his jaw.

  He turns his head and looks right at me. “You can come out, boo.”

  Jace curses and shoves to his feet, sliding his body between me and the other wolf. Since I hadn’t precisely packed an overnight bag, I’m still wearing his sweatpants and my tank top. I’m barefoot and probably have a massive case of bedhead too. Sexy? Not so much. Not that I want Jace to find me irresistible, but I have my pride—and there’s that inconvenient attraction between us.

  I eye the front yard, but Jace’s place is clearly isolated. I see trees, trees, and more trees—plus a long, winding driveway and a gorgeous view of the bayou. Other signs of civilization? Not so much. A battered truck stands in the gravel driveway where he parked his bike the night before, but neither vehicle is any good to me without the keys.

  “I’m Eli.” The other wolf doesn’t move from his prone position on the porch. He doesn’t smile either, his face inscrutable. The laughter he shared with Jace vanishes as he examines me. I’m pretty sure he just found me lacking.

  “She’s trouble,” Jace says, his words cutting through me. See? He didn’t mean he wanted to love you forever when he suggested you think about mating him for real last night. He tosses me a saddlebag. “Eli stopped by your place and grabbed some things.”

  Maybe later I’ll be creeped out by Eli and Jace’s lack of boundaries, but right now I’m just grateful for clean underwear and a toothbrush that isn’t pre-owned.

  “Thanks?” Please, please leave. No, wait. I’m the one who wants to leave.

  “You’re a popular girl,” Eli announces, rolling to his feet. I have no idea how to take that. Is he referring to last night’s contest? To my dad’s attempts to pair me off? Or has something else happened, and it’s so horrible that even this wolf knows about it? Frankly, all three are possibilities.

  Jace nudges the coffee holder toward me with his boot. “Breakfast of champions.”

  I’m not too proud to turn down coffee. I park my butt on the top step of the porch and grab a cup. There are pastries in the paper bag too, still hot from the bakery. My opinion of Jace shoots up. Sue me. I’m weak like that. While I chew, Jace brings Eli up to speed on what happened last night at the Breed’s clubhouse. Dad’s wolves ar
en’t supposed to discuss club business outside of the club, but either Jace doesn’t give a fuck about the rules (which would come as no surprise) or he makes an exception for family. At least he stops at the part where we get on his bike and ride here. I don’t need my sex life—or lack thereof—shared in public. When they both look at me, there’s nothing I can do to stop the blush from heating up my cheeks.

  “Cute.” Eli whistles. “I thought the Breed tended to break their toys, though.”

  I open my mouth, but what can I say? Part of me agrees wholeheartedly with his assessment, while the rest of me is pissed off that he looks at me and thinks toy. Jace tugs me up onto his lap. My coffee cup flies, Eli catching it with casual power before it can spill. I’ve never figured out how any girl sits on a man’s lap and makes it look good. Sure, it happens in the movies, but those are scripted scenarios. Jace’s knees poke me in awkward places, and I’m embarrassingly aware of the heat of his thighs searing me through my borrowed sweatpants. He’s no chair to relax into, that’s for certain.

  “Relax,” Jace whispers against my ear. “Not gonna let you fall.”

  Falling is the least of my worries.

  Then to Eli, he says, “Keelie Sue’s stronger than she looks.”

  In all truth, there’s only so much a woman can handle, and I’ve reached my maximum. Eli gives me an assessing look. “Wouldn’t have thought it.”

  See? He agrees with me.

  Jace laughs and snags my cup from Eli, setting it in my hand. “She’s got her ways. Big Red’s not gonna pass her around.”

  The vote of confidence is a nice surprise, but Jace is wrong. My dad absolutely would. Thinking about all the horrible things my father would do isn’t productive, so instead I say what’s been on my mind since last night.

  “Fang said there were more.”

  Both wolves look at me. Their combined interest is more than a little overwhelming. I trace the top of my coffee cup with my finger. Left, circle the tiny hole in the plastic lid, then right.